This is an advanced course in computer communication networks. The goal of the course is to provide a basic knowledge of the field of network management, understand the challenges of efficient network management, and the modern techniques On completion of the course, students will be able to: Understand the fundamentals of next generation computer networks; Design solutions for ad-hoc, mobile and pervasive computing ; Understand the principles of operation of network security monitoring; Understand the issues involved in deployment of Wireless LAN and 3G systems. The course will not use a single textbook but rather a set of research papers, and it will be a combination of lecture and discussion.
Lectures an Labs
1. Reviews of packet switching
2. Issues in TCP/IP. TCP/IP fundamentals review.
3. Bluetooth, 802.11, UMTS, 3G, GPRS and Edge Services
4. Access technologies: last mile, xDSL
5. Multimedia over a Network. Streaming over Internet
6. IP network performance issues
7. Advanced IPv6 features, including transition
8. Models to support (WLAN) network roaming
9. Peer-to-Peer network architectures
10. Dynamic host configuration methods
11. Network security principles. Characteristics of the attacker.
12. Intrusion detection with Snort. Intrusion prevention.
13. Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Home Networks.
14. How to Write Papers and Give Talks
Students will be assigned a presentation subject. If you have a paper of particular interest for the project, please discuss it with the professor. Please choose a subject till March 23th 2019.
For mid-April students presentations will take place. The presentations must last for about 20 minutes, starting from 10 slides. Presentations must be sent to
Ciorica Florentin, Bortosu Bogdan, Simona Marcu
Diac Dan, Carmen Popa, Chihăiță Christian, Le Roy George
Burnea Marian-Alexandru, Cristian Dat, Lazar Robert Nicolae, Burak KOSE
Achim Elena, Horea Aflat, Cioban Marcel, Stefanescu Adrian
Constantin Alexandru, Sorin Diaconu, Denisa Hane, Albu Ioan-Alexandru
Albu, Ioan, Chisavu Sorin, Nicu Marian, Mihu Alexandru, Neacsiu Andrei
Puia Maria-Alexandra, Șoneriu Roxana, Neacsiu Andrei, Mihu Alexandru
Class presentation: 50% (the quality of the presentation will be graded)
Lab exam: 50%
Tanenbaum A S, Computer Networks 4th Ed, Prentice Hall, 2003
* , CCNA: Ghid de studiu independent CCNA Basics, Editura BIC ALL, Bucureşti, 2005, ISBN 9735715066
Hagen S, IPv6 Essentials, O'Reilly, 2002
Bejtlich R, The Tao of Network Security Monitoring: Beyond Intrusion Detection, Addison-Wesley
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, third edition, by James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, Addison Wesley, 2005, ISBN 0-321-22735-2